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Meet John Palcisko: RecruitLoop Recruiter in Cleveland, Ohio

By Bernadette Eichner - Feb. 10, 2015
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Every so often we catch up with a member of our recruiter community and ask them a series of questions. Always the same questions. We love this small peek into their lives and the tears and laughs we have along the way.

This week we caught up with John Palcisko, a relatively new member of our community. A West Point graduate and based in Cleveland, Ohio, John has been sourcing sales and manufacturing talent for over 14 years.

His reason for wanting to have dinner with Jesus is brilliant!

John-PalciskoHow long have you been a part of the RecruitLoop community?

Just a couple of months so I’m still pretty new.

What were you doing before you met us?

I have been recruiting for 14 years and see this as a natural extension of my own business.

What is the best part, for you, of being a Looper?

The flexibility of being able to offer an alternative fee structure which has the potential to get me in front of clients that I would not have targeted up to this point.

What RecruitLoop feature do you think is the most awesome?

The video screening interview technology is very cool. But I think the actual proposal process will help me fine tune my business as a whole.

Why do you believe the RecruitLoop model works so well?

It offers a fresh approach to the typical recruiting fee model. It really complements what I have done to this point very well.

What are your passions and interests outside work?

I love sports and coaching my kids, spending time with my wife and relaxing in my free time.

What is something other Loopers may not know about you?

I am a West Point graduate and played football in the Army until the medical team convinced me my long term health was probably more important.

What 5 words would your clients use to describe you?

Persistent. Reliable. Tenacious. Focused. Driven.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

That we never hear about a race-related problem again.


If you could have dinner with five famous people (alive or dead) who would they be and why?

My Dad. He died just three weeks after being diagnosed with cancer in December 2005. I’d love to catch him up on everything that has transpired since he left us.

Walter Payton – just to tell him he was the best running back I have ever seen.

George Washington – just to see if his teeth were really wooden.

JFK – I need to ask what all the hoopla was about.

Jesus – it would be so cool to watch people seeing me eat dinner with Jesus.


Bernadette Eichner

Bernadette Eichner has had a successful career in hospitality sales, real estate, and recruitment. In 1999, she founded HRM Resolutions, a strategic human resource consultancy, and later became a founding recruiter and investor at RecruitLoop.

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