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9 Data Protection Tips for Recruiters

By Jenn Steele - Dec. 21, 2022
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Recruiters play an important role in achieving the set hiring goals of an organization. In certain countries, there is also an act which is known as the “Data Protection Act” which has provided rubrics for protecting the personal information of employees and candidates from being mishandled.

Recruiters should be aware of all the clauses within the appropriate data protection legislation. This article includes several important tips for recruiters.

Key Takeaways

  • Don’t ask for unnecessary or irrelevant personal details from candidates.

  • Use secure software to collect, manage, and store sensitive data.

  • Don’t share candidates’ personal details with companies.

9 Data Protection Tips for Recruiters

9 Data Protection Tips for Recruiters

  1. Protecting Personal Details

    Recruiters must clearly explain the purpose of collecting the personal details of a candidate. They must mention that the personal details of unsuccessful candidates are either deleted or retained for future consideration (with the candidate’s permission).

    It is illegal to misuse the details of successful or unsuccessful candidates under any circumstances. A company must protect the personal details of every candidate. How an organization handles the details of all its applicants also reveals a great deal about the professionalism of the company.

  2. Strict Security Measures for Online Job Applications

    A company’s website must be protected against hacker attacks and foreign intrusion. All the information about candidates should be securely processed.

    Also, the submitted resumes should be made accessible only to those officials who are directly concerned with the recruitment process. Other employees should be restricted from viewing the personal information of the candidates. It is also against recruitment ethics.

    If this information gets leaked then it would put a question mark on the credibility of the said company. Make sure that you have erased or safely stored the personal information and CVs of both the successful and unsuccessful candidates.

  3. Avoid Asking for Irrelevant Sensitive Information

    Recruiters should devise the job application process in a way that is purely relevant to the appropriate position. The entire questionnaire should be formulated by keeping in view the key job criteria. These details should be stored in a secure folder.

    Sensitive details, such as political leanings and religious and cultural beliefs shouldn’t be asked by the recruiters because they are not related to the said job.

    If these questions are considered obligatory for the specific role then the answers should never be disclosed in public in order to save the candidate from potential discrimination.

  4. Email Encryption

    Make sure that you are using email encryption. It will protect the candidates’ details from abuse by a third party. Email encryption should also be used for any other correspondence related to the job besides recruitment purposes. Encrypt all outgoing emails before sending any recruitment-related material.

    Encrypted emails are protected and difficult to be accessed by malicious factors. Sometimes a company’s own employees are involved in cyber crimes and they misuse official information. Thus, it is important to double-check the encryption on all recruitment-related activities.

  5. Set Difficult Passwords

    Don’t set easy-to-guess passwords. Always use a mix of characters, letters, numbers, and symbols for all logins. It will help keep private information safe. Avoid using people’s names and company names as a password.

    In addition to this, passwords comprised of upper and lower cases are difficult to decode by hackers which makes it harder to access the personal details of the candidates or employees that they want to use for carrying out illegal activities.

    Hackers are experts in breaking down easy passwords, which is why it is always advised at any forum to choose passwords carefully.

  6. Disclosure of Personal Information During References

    Avoid disclosing candidates’ details to companies when providing references. There are always chances of fraud. Companies should not disclose the personal information of current or previous employees without their written consent.

    Sometimes an innocent employee can be exploited through the misuse of personal information.

  7. Consult an IT Professional

    If you’re a recruiter who is not tech savvy then you must consult an IT professional to help with data protection matters. An IT team can help a recruiter check through all the systems within the company. They might also help detect any illicit activity.

    Employees should be trusted but their systems should be inspected to identify any activity which could harm the company or the recruitment process.

    This case has been reported by various companies where a company’s employees are involved in leaking employment-related information to third parties for illegal purposes.

  8. Upgrade Your Security Software

    You should install the latest antivirus programs. Security software should be updated regularly to combat impending hacker attacks that might misuse the personal details of candidates and employees.

    Also, make sure that private information is always shared face-to-face. Avoid dispersing personal details via email etc.

  9. Delete Records of Terminated Employees

    Managers should delete the records of those employees who have left the company. It is against the company’s ethics to retain the personal records of terminated employees unless they have committed any fraud with the company. This information is then used for legal actions against that employee.

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Data Protection Tips FAQ

  1. How do you manage data in recruitment?

    You manage data in recruitment by using the right software, complying with all regulations, and putting data management processes in place.

Using software with strong data security and management tools to collect and organize candidates’ information is key to managing data in recruitment.

In addition to this, making sure you understand and are compliant with all data management and privacy regulations is also vital. Having well-thought-out, consistent data management processes in place will help you accomplish this.

  • What kind of data do recruiters use?

    Recruiters use data such as names, phone numbers, and email addresses of job applicants.

  • Recruiters handle a large amount of personal information that hackers would love to get their hands on. As a result, it’s vital that they take steps to keep this data secure.

  • Why is data protection important in recruitment?

    Data protection is important in recruitment because recruiters have to collect sensitive personal information from candidates.

  • If recruiters aren’t careful with this data, it could get stolen, creating a myriad of problems for the job candidates affected and damaging the recruiter’s and recruiting company’s reputations. It can also create legal trouble for these parties.

    Final Thoughts

    Hopefully, these tips will help you protect the personal data of job applicants. Management should not neglect the security concerns which could arise if the personal information of employees or applicants is misused by a third party.

    All the steps in the recruitment process should be carried out with utmost care by hiring managers and recruiters. Technology has given innumerable options to help protect the data of the candidates which should be used to enhance the security of the personal information collected throughout the process.


    Jenn Steele

    Jen Steele is a dynamic, results-driven leader with over two decades of experience in the technology and marketing industries. As the CEO of KissMetrics, Jen is responsible for driving the company's strategic direction, growth, and overall success.

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