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7 Social Recruiting Mistakes You Should Avoid

By Bernadette Eichner - Jan. 29, 2015
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It’s fair to say that social media has revolutionized the way in which brands interact with consumers. And while social media now features in many branding strategies, companies also rely heavily on social media to recruit their best hires.

Today, social media is used by recruiters for candidate evaluation, as well as talent sourcing, rendering this new form of media a viable hiring platform for both sides of the process.

If you’re planning to incorporate social media into your recruitment strategy, here are some mistakes you should try to avoid.

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1. Lack of social media strategy

This is one of those mistakes that can cause you a lot of trouble. If you plan to use social media for hiring purposes, you won’t get any results without a clear plan and defined recruiting goals. Since no brand can be present on all social media platforms, you need to pick those that are really goldmines of talented candidates.

2. No relevant content

Posting generic messages and meaningless status updates that look only a touch better than spam is the worst social media sin – a mistake that can seriously damage your brand. This kind of behaviour will also discourage potential talent from becoming interested in what your company has to offer. You need to post with a target audience in mind by adding a meaningful voice to the conversation.

3. No defined audience

Posting with no target audience is another great mistake brands often commit on social media. In order for your social media strategy to be effective, you first need to define the kind of professionals you want to address. This way, you’ll target only those appropriate to your industry. Don’t forget to always research your competition.

4. No profile picture

You might think that a profile picture for a brand is unnecessary, but you’d be surprised what kind of reaction it evokes in your audience. No profile picture equals no trust and shows your lack of experience in social media. Profile pictures should always reflect the interests of your target audience – if you plan to hire high-level executives, the photo cannot be playful or sarcastic.

5. No patience for relationship building

Building a relationship with consumers through social media takes time. Accept it and don’t get discouraged if no immediate results come your way. You cannot just assume that members of online communities will be interested in any of the positions you have on offer; instead, focus on building your brand and create a real relationship, which will become useful once you’re in need of talented candidates.

6. Empty social media profiles

Apart from lacking profile pictures, brands often leave their social media profiles empty. This simply sends the wrong message: no individuality, no personality, no character, no brand, and therefore no interesting or genuine jobs to offer. Instead, help candidates make sense of your brand. Always reflect your target audience in the language of your posts and bio – be playful or serious when needed.

7. No strategy for passive candidates

There’s no disputing that establishing a valuable relationship with passive candidates can be a challenge. However it is certainly worth pursuing. By targeting passive candidates with your content, you’ll be sure that once they become active and on the lookout for a job, your company will instantly be top of mind.

Social media offers a rich environment through which to send various messages about your company. To make the most of its hiring potential, you need to create a strong brand, show why your organisation is an attractive employer and you need to post interesting content. Eventually, you’ll see all this effort pay off in real talent arriving on your doorstep for job interviews.


Bernadette Eichner

Bernadette Eichner has had a successful career in hospitality sales, real estate, and recruitment. In 1999, she founded HRM Resolutions, a strategic human resource consultancy, and later became a founding recruiter and investor at RecruitLoop.

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